Volt Fitness offers a unique social fitness program designed for people with special needs who are 21 years of age or older. This community-based and inclusive program takes place in a safe and welcoming environment. We are also DDD approved.

Benefits Include:

  • Improve overall fitness level
  • Opportunity to mingle with neurotypical peers
  • Improve physical strength and cardiovascular endurance
  • Improve balance, coordination, flexibility, and body awareness
  • Increase self-confidence and feel great about yourself
  • Improve motor skills
  • A personalized initial assessment for each client to determine specific fitness needs

Our program takes into consideration each person's individual needs. All participants will also benefit from the wonderful social outlet our facility provides. They quickly become part of the Volt Fitness family.

Added Benefits for the Parent & Client:

  • Bi-monthly meeting with the client, parent and trainer to discuss progress
  • Monthly newsletter sent by email full of healthy lifestyle tips and recipes

This program can be funded through Easter Seals depending on the client's self-directed budget.

We would love the opportunity to get the word out about this program to those people who could really benefit from a consistent fitness outlet. We have seen first-hand how lives are being enhanced at Volt Fitness and invite you to be a part of it. Please contact us to arrange a visit to our Glen Rock facility and/or a complimentary training session to give us a try.


For more information, please all us at 201-857-3800 and ask for Joe.