Welcome to the F.A.T Method 8 Week “Weight Loss Experience”
Discover the Simple, Fast and Healthy Way to Lose 15-20 Pounds In Just 8 Weeks…Without Counting Calories, Meal Planning or Doing Any Cardio At All
No tricks, its very straightforward and uses a unique "fasting" component as a key to success. See what those who have tried it have to say…..
Before After!
Why Choose Volt Fitness?
We have plenty of Experience
Very Positive Culture
Personalized to fit your life
Realistic Plan to Success
What does the program include?
(In-person on online)
Three--- 45 min. workouts a week (In Person or Online). Workouts will be created according to the client fitness level.
Nutrition Plan (Only online): you will follow the F.A.T Method unique “fasting” approach to success.
Accountability: you will learn an easy to understand way of keeping yourself on track. This is one of the keys to your success.
Psychology of losing weight: you will be taught the key psychological barriers to weight loss success and how to deal and overcome them. They are eye opening.
Live 15 minute Zoom/Phone Coaching once a week to discuss progress etc.
Recipes and Weight Loss Video Tips