6 Nutrition Trends that are Huge in 2020!
1. Vegetables are working overtime.
There were souped-up sauces – including Otamot’s tomato sauce that actually contains ten different vegetables – Ketchup and BBQ sauces are being made with hidden vegetables instead of added sugar and Prego tomato sauces with kale, white beans and chickpeas. Vegetables like beets and sweet potatoes were also showing up in colorful wraps, crackers, chips, cooking sauces and “superfood” powders and………it actually tastes pretty good!
2. Still crazy for coconut.
It’s full of good fat
It’s a natural sweet treat
It offers a good cholesterol boost
It’s chock full of potassium
It promotes dental health
It can prevent infection
It doubles as skincare
It’s a dairy alternative
3. Prebiotics are the new probiotics.
Prebiotics promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, aka probiotics. While prebiotics have been in the shadow of the living bacteria themselves, now there’s greater appreciation for these behind-the-scenes players for their role in improving your gut health
4. Puffs are the new chips.
When did extruded puffs become a thing? There were many different puffed snacks promoted as a “smarter way to snack” (higher protein and lower carbs compared to your typical potato chip) or school-friendly due to the lack of nuts and other common allergens. Varieties of puffs included baked peanut puffs, chickpea puffs, veggie puffs, paleo puffs and honey puffs.
5. Low-carb coatings, crumbs and croutons.
Cauliflower has jumped from pizza crusts to coatings for chicken nuggets. Dehydrated pea protein was packaged in a shaker for breadless crumbs. Companies also started promoting alternatives to croutons made from crispy puffed quinoa .
6. Oat Milk
Oat milk consists of steel-cut oats or whole grains that include the cereal germ and fiber-rich bran portion of the grain which are soaked in water, blended, and then strained. The leftover oat pulp has the bulk of the fiber and most of the protein in the oats, with the liquid or ‘milk’ that results having just some of the nutrients in oats.
If you are worried about taste then I think you will be presently surprised. Give them a try. You might not love everything but I bet you make a few changes that will help you.
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““Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” —Albert Einstein